Creating Landscape Art - an alternative approach
Painting Loose Watercolor Landscapes
If you want to paint landscapes, this article might be interesting. Let’s get started.
What do I need to get started?
Some people focus at first on paint, paper, and brushes, but these are the wrong things to focus on. The essentials are a sense of direction, a purpose for creating art, and a desire to share your vision with the world.
Where do I start?
What kind of art do you like? Give yourself something to aim for. In my case, I was initially interested in Impressionism, so my goal was to create watercolor paintings that looked somewhat impressionist. Having a goal like this gives your art some initial direction. This direction can change as your art evolves.
What is an artist?
It is ok to use abstraction and play with colors. We are artists not copy machines or cameras. Our aim is to share our vision of the world with people. What does the landscape mean to you? How can you use shapes lines and colors to share that feeling with the viewer?
Some examples
In this YouTube video I expand on some of these ideas.
Some people see art as a purely technical process. I don’t. For me art is poetry with colors, lines and shapes rather than words. In this video I expand on these ideas.
The main takeaway from all this is that art is about self-expression, not the size of brush or brand of paint you should use.
If you are interested in seeing more landscape drawing and painting examples, I think you’d enjoy my Patreon page. All Patrons get access to a downloadable (pdf) newsletter and an extra monthly video. All for the price of a cup of coffee. All earnings from Patreon go towards new art supplies such as paper. Just click on the button below for more details.